• Mrs. Atkinson

    Central Middle School

    Special Education Teacher

    STAR Program - Room 35

    welcome back


    Welcome, parents and students! I am so happy to be beginning my third year at Central and look forward to getting to know all of you and sharing in a multitude of experiences with my students. I hold certifications in elementary (B.A) and special education (M.A). I have worked with students in grades K-10 with special needs in resource center rooms, in-class support settings, ABA programs as well as self-contained Functional Life Skills programs and classrooms. Schedules for students are individually tailored to educational needs, accommodations, grade-level activities (lunch, cycle, APE/gym) and services (pull out therapies). More information about student scheduling can be found below in the 'Expectations' section. It is my goal to provide your children with an engaging, rewarding, educational experience that fosters independence and respect amongst their peers. Each student in our class will be taught based on their own personal and individual needs! It will be another awesome year in Room 35! 


    Classroom Expectations:

    Students will typically have short Language Arts, Reading, Math, and Social Studies assignments for homework each night. There will not be homework assigned over the weekend other than on-going projects for specific classes. Students who will be in the room for Reading class and receiving supplemental Wilson Instruction will be expected to bring thier Wilson supplies to class each day. Students are expected to bring their school agenda/planner to and from school each day as well as their communication journal. This will be used for daily updates on academic performace or behavior for parents and the teacher. All tests and quizzes should be signed by a parent or gaurdian and returned to school the following day. 

    Students in the same grade level may be assigned different homework assignments. I cannot post individualized assignments on this website. Please be sure to check your child's assignment pad and communication journal. 


    Classroom Supply List:


    2 Highlighters

    1" 3 ring binders for each subject OR 1 large 3" binder with dividers for each subject

    Extra folders


    Pencil case or zip bag


    Contact Me:

    Email: (preferred form of communication - response within 24 hrs M-F) catkinson@longhill.org

    Phone: 908-647-2311 x 4015