
    Read! Read! Read!

    Welcome to eighth grade reading!  I am delighted to be your teacher and hope to enjoy a successful journey as we navigate the exciting terrain of becoming stronger readers, writers, speakers and critical thinkers together.  As you might have heard, my class can be challenging, but it is my hope that you like a challenge. As long as you enter Room 10 with a positive attitude and a strong work ethic, all will be well.  You will learn a great deal, and you will amaze yourself with your new skills by the end of the year.
    --Mrs. Pogash
    Contact Information: mpogash@longhill.org 
                                           908-647-2311, ext. 4021
    Education:                   BA--The University of Pennsylvania
                                       MA--The George Washington University
                                       Graduate Credits beyond the MA:  The College of Saint Elizabeth and Rutgers University
    Additional Credentials in Education: Teacher Consultant for Rutgers University
    Primary Classroom Textbook:  Prentice Hall Literature: Common Core Edition. Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ.  2012