• Food allergies can be life threatening.  The  risk of  accidental exposures to foods can be  reduced in the school  setting if schools  work with students, parents and physicians  to minimize risks and provide a safe educational environment for students with allergies..   epi pen letter
    Family's responsibility
    • Notify the  school of  child's allergies
    • Work with the School in developing a plan (example: using a food Allergy Action Plan and  a Prevention Plan at school)   food& allergy care plan
    • Provide written medical documentation, instruction and medication as directed by a physician.
    • Provide properly labeled medication and replacing expired medication as needed
    • Providing  emergency contact information
    • Educating  the child in self management about their allergies which includes
      •                      Safe and  unsafe foods
      •                      Strategies for avoiding exposure to foods or object
      •                      Symptoms of allergic reactions
      •                      Telling an adult when they may be having an allergy related problem
      •                      how  to  read  food  labels (age appropriate)
    The  following forms  for  school

    If you child is able  to self  administer their medication please  fill out this form and  return  to school  remember that  a  delegate can only assist in  the auto injector.  Medication such as prednisone or  Benadryl can only be given by the Parent,  Nurse or student who has permission for self administration.  Self-administration approval allows the student to carry their unit dose of medication in their sports bag or purse ( but only if  the proper paperwork is completed)   Permission for  self Administration 

    If  your child needs any other medication at school,  please fill out and return the  Medication Form.
    Find all current forms under "Health Forms" to your left.