    TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 2017    



    The Main Office is now open, please call 908-647-2311 ext. 4002 if you need any assistance. 


    Grade 6 Student/Parent Orientation will be on August 30th from 9:30 - 11:00 in the All Purpose Room.


    Grade 7 & 8 Student/Parent Meet and Greet will be on August 30th from 1:00 - 2:00 in the All Purpose Room.


    The first day of school is Wednesday, September 6, 2017 (full day).


    Please send your students in with lunch and a drink the first week of school.  If you chose to order milk/juice, we will begin serving on Monday, September 11th.  Food Days will begin on September 18th.




    Food Days

    Food Days is an optional lunch program sponsored by the PTO (and SPORT at Central). Students are given the opportunity to order food items from local vendors to be served on Food Days by volunteers. The selections include pizza, bagels, soups, salads, sandwiches and more!


    Gillette School – Wednesdays for K and 1 (no SKIP). Ice Cream on Spirit Days.

    Millington School - Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  Ice Cream on Spirit Days.

    Central School - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

    All ordering is handled online at www.myFoodDays.com

    You need to register, place your orders and pay during the ordering period in order for your child(ren) to receive food during each Food Day Run.  You will receive reminder emails during year.  If you have not been getting reminders, go to Settings and check boxes to receive emails.

    Ordering ends September 10 for September-November Food Days:


    Questions, email lhtptofoodday@gmail.com




    Central Parents – We are looking for 8 parents to accompany the incoming 2017-18 kindergarten students on the bus for the first two days of the school year.  We need help with the morning and the afternoon commute.  If you can help with one route or two, it’s a great way to support the newer parents in our school community!  Bus routes and details to follow.  Please contact shannonseyda@verizon.net if you are able to help.  Thank you!


    Please read the important letter from S.P.O.R.T. regarding potential increases in your PAY to PLAY fees for 2017-2018.


    The S.P.O.R.T. Tiger Pride Cookbooks are $10 each! 


    FROM THE SCHOOL COUNSELOR:  A secure drop box is located next to the office of the Counselor. The purpose of the drop box is for students to have another means of communication with the Counselor regarding any concerns they may have. Students are encouraged to use the “Student Concern” form which has been made available to each classroom teacher for distribution. Students were made aware of the drop box during an Anti-Bullying assembly in November held by Ms. Melissa Backer, Dean of Students, and Ms. Chrystyna Lazirko, School Counselor.


    Ms. Lazirko, CMS School Counselor, wanted to share some information regarding the Watchung Arts Center. WAC offers a variety of classes and workshops for students of all ages to attend. Programs offered by the center include; Drawing Enrichment Workshops, Painting Enrichment Workshops, Teen Art Programs, Zumba, Photography, and Summer Camp Programs. Students and parents can access additional information at http://www.watchungarts.org/Classes.htm for workshop descriptions, registration, and class policies.


    FOOD DAYS - Student Absence:  If a student is absent on a food day and has ordered food, parents are welcome to come and pick it up at the main office. However, they must call and notify the office by 10:30am,  so volunteers can put his/her name on it and leave it in the office for parent to pick up after child’s normal lunch period. 

    School Closing/Delayed Openings/Early Dismissals on a Food Day:

    School Closing: Food Day cancelled and rescheduled.

    Delayed Opening: Food Day cancelled and rescheduled.

    Emergency Early Dismissal:  Central School- If announced before start of school, Food Day cancelled and re-scheduled.  If announced after start of school, Food Day will go on with normal delivery times.


    A note from our SCHOOL COUNSELOR, Ms. Chrystyna Lazirko.


    NEWS FROM THE HEALTH OFFICE (Lauren Lozowski, R.N., School Nurse):

    “iPhone Setting Could Save Your Life.”    http://diyhilfe.com/the-life-saving-iphone-tip-everyone-should-know/


    Watchung Hills Regional High School Guidance Website: http://www.whrhs.org/domain/242


    LOCKER LADDERS will be available the first day of school.


    DROP OFF AND PICK UP AT CENTRAL:  If you are dropping off your child at CMS in the morning, pull up to the curb along Central Avenue and let your child off in front of the school.  If you are coming up from Main Street, you can drop off on the far side of the street and the crossing guard will assist students.  We request that all parent traffic refrain from using the south lot from 7:30 A.M. to 3 P.M., as is posted on the street sign along Central Ave.  The driveway and sidewalk along the south side of the building are reserved for school buses to pull in and drop off.  Also, staff members need to cross the driveway from the parking lot and the additional traffic poses a risk.   When picking your child up in the afternoon from Central, please pull around behind the building using the small driveway on the North side of the building.  There is a staff member stationed in the back of the building to assist students.  Do not park along the front of the school as the posted signs do not allow parking between 2:30 and 3:15 P.M.   Thank you for your cooperation. 


    Students may only ride the school bus they are assigned to by the District.  Students are not allowed to ride a friend’s or other student's bus even with parental permission.


    In accordance with the Long Hill Township Attendance Procedures, students anticipating an absence of 2+ days must submit a PLANNED ABSENCE FORM at least 3 days in advance of the absence.


    Attendance policy:  “When a student arrives tardy to school, he or she must visit the Main Office to obtain a late pass before going to his or her classroom.  Parents must also accompany the student into the building and sign the student in.”


    FORCE Fundraiser - Amazon has a program where they give .5% of your Amazon purchases to a non-profit charity... like FORCE! The link where you can join and send to ALL your friends is:  http://smile.amazon.com/ch/20-1977003).  Everyone you know can join and it costs them NOTHING!!! Please share this with everyone you know and let's take advantage of this free funding source!


    Learn how Target supports students, teachers and schools through education programs, partnerships, and donations.
    Learn more at Education: Support, Programs, Activities | Target Corporate at their web site:  https://corporate.target.com/corporate-responsibility/education


    RECYCLE YOUR OLD INK AND/OR COPIER CARTRIDGES!  Bring empties to Central School and place them in our recycle bin located next to the Main Office.  CMS receives $$$ to help offset costs of various activities.  Help the environment and your children’s school.


    COKE REWARDS program:  Send in bottle caps or code flaps from 12 packs of Coke products (CoKe, Diet Coke, Coke Zero, Sprite, Sprite Zero, Minute Maid Products, Dasani Water, Fresca, Vault, Powerade, Franta, Barq’s, Mr. Pibb and Mello Yello).  The caps and codes are redeemed for supplies for the schools.  Collection receptacles are located in the Main Office.  Thank you for your support.



    Sep 6   First day of school - full day, dismissal is at 2:45