PAC Grade-Level Representatives
PAC now has an e-mail contact list. E-mail will be the primary means of communication. If you have any comments that you want passed on to the Superintendent please feel free to send them to your designated grade representative. The PAC grade representatives will be meeting monthly together and again with Dr. Acevedo. We will forward you meeting minutes after we meet with Dr. Acevedo.PAC’s mission is: "to foster supportive and positive communication in order to build a greater connection between parents and the school community."The PAC reps are as follows:Kindergarten - Andrea Briggs aabriggs@verizon.netFirst - Sue Gully smgully@yahoo.comSecond - Krista Sarti asarti1@yahoo.comThird - Kristen Oleske KDuesel@aol.comFourth - Denise Thompson johndenise2@comcast.netFifth - Denise Thompson johndenise2@comcast.netSixth - Andrea Briggs aabriggs@verizon.netSeventh - Kristen Oleske KDuesel@aol.com -
Introducing PAC - the Long Hill Township Schools Parent Action Committee
At Back to School Night you were given a handout summarizing the LHT PAC (Parent Action Committee). The flyer is attached for your reference.
Last Modified on February 12, 2017