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    Homework will be given Monday - Thursday.

    Homework will not be given over the weekends, however you are always encouraged to use the calendar of home activities for extra credit / enrichment. These activities are 100% optional.
     On occasion there will be a special project or assignment. An explanation of each individualized homework assignment is below.




    DIRT (DailyIndependent Reading Time) is a weekly reading assignment. DIRT forms will begiven out every Monday (or the first day of the school week). Students are asked to read everyday and log their reading time on these DIRT sheets. They are asked to read a total of 55 minutes a week (of course you can read more).

    DIRT sheets need to be filled out and signed by a parent and they will be collected on Fridays.

    DIRT sheets can be found by clicking the link below.




    Spelling homework is given every day Monday through Thursday. There is a spelling test on Fridays. On Mondays, a spelling list will come home with the weekly words and two bonus words. The bonus words are challenging and are worth extra credit, they do not count against them if they get these words wrong.

    There are 28 different spelling activities that you may choose from to do the homework. Once you have picked an assignment for that night, I will ask that you fill out the spelling sheet and sign. This spelling sheet gets handed in every day (I will check it and return it to you each night)

    If there is work that can be handed in (3x each, spelling sentences, etc) then you may hand that work in along with the spelling sheet form.

    If you picked an  activity such as cheer your words or dirty words where nothing can be handed in, then only the spelling sheet needs to come to school.


    This form can also be found by clicking the link below should you misplace it.


    There will be a math homework sheet each day of the week (except Fridays). You should be able to find this page in your child’s homework folder.