• Welcome To PREP!


    Where learning and fun are wrapped

    up into one wonderful Kindergarten and First Grade






    Brief Bio:  This is my twenty-fifth year of teaching young children.  I received a dual bachelor's degree in Elementary Education and Psychology at Seton Hall University.  I also hold certifications in Special Education, Early Childhood, and Psychology. 

         I am pleased to announce this is my 9th year in the district and I am honored to be a part of the kindergarten and first grade teams .  I am married and my husband and I have been blessed with two children.


    To reach me:  I can be reached at school by calling (908) 647-2313, ext. 1013, or by email at dschmitz at longhill.org.

     Goals:  Your children have embarked on a fantastic and exciting voyage of learning and fun in kindergarten and first grade.  My goal is to create an environment in which children are allowed to grow and develop a love for learning and to reinforce a sense of respect for themselves and each other.


    Expectations:  I expect that all my students will try their best and come to school well rested and eager to learn.






    Please Note:  Your child may or may not eat snack within the PREP Room.  Your child's individual schedule determines where and when they have a snack in the morning.