• First Grade High Frequency Words

    The following list contains all of the high frequency words that are introduced in the Sidewalks Edition of Reading Street. These words need to be memorized and usually cannot be sounded out.

    I              am                               like               the

    a             is                                    look              have

    we              you                     are                little

    see             go                          he                 they

    do              of                she               here

    to              my                         one               two

    three        from           me                             said

    for            was                       what             blue

                yellow        come                     put

    where      her              now              use

    old            too              want             there

    who          our              could            eat

    very          good           out                saw

    down        way            work             how

    other         their           some            any

    friend        new            our               again

    done          know         were            dress

    every         four            off                about

    family        once           together     give

    great         many           people        away

    find            long             took           don’t

    most         won’t           write          over

    push          should         would        behind

    love           pull               soon          before

    kind           none             sure           because

    goes           live               school