    Dear Friends,
    Welcome to Kindergarten! I just heard the great news that you will be in my class this year. I have to tell you, I can’t wait to meet you. We have many wonderful days ahead of us filled with learning and fun. In Kindergarten, we will learn new songs, have learning centers, become readers & writers in reading and writing workshop and play math games. We will also be a part of a kindness community where we will start a chain reaction just by being kind. 
    I hope you are enjoying your summer.  Mr. Clark and I enjoyed the summer with our girls Ellie and Lexi. We had fun traveling to the Jersey Shore as well as spending time at the pool. We LOVE to go to the zoo and have been to many different zoos this summer.  My favorite animal is the giraffe and I love to visit them at the zoo. I also snuck away to Disney for the week with Ellie, Lexi and my mom.  We went on so many rides and met all our favorite characters.  I can't wait to tell you all about it!  Our summer has been packed with lots of fun and we even had time to relax a little.  
    I can't wait to hear about all about your summer.  Please tell mom or dad to send or email me a summer picture and I will have it hanging in our room when you arrive.  My email is jclark@ longhill.org and I look forward to hearing from you!   I am thrilled to meet you and your parents at Open House. We are in Room 10 and I have a desk waiting for you.  I know you will love our classroom and love being in kindergarten.
    Mrs. Clark
    Dear Parents,
    I am so excited your child is in Kindergarten and will be in my classroom this year. I would like to take the opportunity to let you know that I value your child’s education and it is of utmost importance to me.  Most importantly, I value them as a child and an individual. If there is anything important that you would like to share with me about your child (i.e. interests, hobbies, likes, dislikes etc.), please feel free to send a note or email me. The beginning of the school year can be a hectic and emotional time.  I have a first grader and a preschooler this year as well.   I know how hard it is to be an elementary school mom and I am always here if you need anything!
     I look forward to meeting and working with you to provide your child with the best kindergarten experience possible. If you need to reach me at any time please send a note in your child’s backpack, leave a message on my school voice mail or the best way is to email me at jclark@ longhill.org.   My number one goal this year is for your child to love coming to school and set the foundation for their future.  I can't wait for you to see how much your child will grow and learn this year.   
    If you have supplies to bring to school, and they are ready, please bring them to Open House on September 1st from 3:00-3:30. I will then have time to set it all up for your child before they arrive on the first day!
    All the best,
    Mrs. Jeni Clark