• Below are the basic behavior expectations for students at Millington School.

    This Code of Conduct was created by a group of volunteer teachers and then presented to the faculty and the students.  The committee developed the guidelines in order to help students become fully aware of their responsibilities and obligations of good citizenship.

    Please discuss the Code of Conduct with your students. You are asked to submit a signed Code of Conduct form.  Any questions regarding the Code of Conduct can be directed to me.

    Thank you,

    Jennifer Dawson
    Millington School


    Millington School

    1. Students are expected to show respect to each other and all adults in the school.

    2. Students are expected to show respect towards school property.

    3.  Students are expected to walk in the halls in a quiet and orderly manner.

    4. Students should follow the general rules when using the bathrooms.

    5. Students are expected to be cooperative and helpful.

    6. Students are expected to follow classroom rules.

    7. Students are not permitted to chew gum.

    The Board of Education believes that harassing, intimidating/threatening, bullying and hazing activities of any type are inconsistent with the educational process and the Board prohibits all such harassing, intimidating/threatening, bullying and/or hazing behavior at any time on school premises, at any school-sponsored function, on any school bus, or through any electronic means of communication. ( Long Hill Board of Education  policy 5131)




    • Be polite to all performers.

    • Sit properly for the duration of the performance.

    • Enter and exit in a quiet and orderly manner.


    • Wait at the assigned bus stop in an orderly fashion.

    • Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before getting on or off.

    • Take your assigned seat upon entering and remain seated throughout the trip.

    • Refrain from eating or drinking on the bus.

    • Refrain from throwing objects on or off the bus.

    • Follow the directions of the bus driver.

    • Talk in a reasonable tone of voice.
    • Students who do not obey the bus rules will face disciplinary consequences. 
      Parents will be contacted and students may be suspended from the bus.



    • Follow the directions of the teacher in use of computer/printer.

    • Report any problems immediately to the teacher.
    • Refrain from invading another student’s privacy by opening his/her files.

    • Refrain from changing the system configuration.

    • Students shall follow the Acceptable Use policy - 6142.10. 
      (This document is signed by the student and parent at the beginning of the school year) 


    Fire, Bus and Evacuation


    • At the sound of the fire alarm, all students are to leave the building according to the directions posted in each room.
    • Students are to pass from the building in an orderly and silent fashion.
    • Students shall leave the building in a rapid walk, but must not run.

    • Students must remain quiet while on line during the bus drill.

    • Return to the building when the recall signal is sounded.
    • Students must remain quiet and follow the directions of the teachers and police during an evacuation drill. Millington students and staff evacuate to the Millington Firehouse.




    • All head gear and coats are to be stored in the closet during the day.
    • No clothing or personal item that shows violence, profanity, or offensiveness will be permitted.
    • Shorts/skirts should be of an appropriate length. We recommend that students should not be able to touch their leg if they are standing straight.
    • Thin straps (spaghetti straps), flip flops, loose fitting sandals, and bare midriffs are not allowed.




    The lunch room is where students meet to eat lunch and socialize.  Following are a few rules and regulations to make the lunch period enjoyable and pleasant for all students.
    • Students will remain seated until given specific instructions to: discard trash or get milk.
    • Raise hands to get out of their seats. You must sign out to use the bathroom.
    • Each student is responsible for cleaning up his/her own trash at lunchtime – including keeping the tabletop and floor clean.
    • Listen, respect, and follow directions of the staff in the lunch room.
    • Children will use quiet voices, so that only the people next to you can hear.
    • Throwing things, yelling, pushing, running, or disturbing others is unacceptable behavior.
    • Do not Share Food
    • Wash hands and go to the bathroom before coming to lunch.




    Recess is the time of day in which students not only have the opportunity to exercise but also develop lifelong social skills.  At times, students have difficulty solving social issues and conflicts. Homeroom teachers review the ways to solve a conflict through discussion, role play, etc.  It is our hope that we continue to teach the students how to solve conflicts.

    • All school rules also apply to the playground.

    • Students are expected to walk in a straight, quiet line leaving and entering the school. 

    • The first student in line shall hold the door open upon entering and exiting the playground and then rejoin the group at the end of the line. 

    • When the whistle is sounded to end recess, students should gather belongings and form a straight line by the staff member assigned to their class. 

    • A student who needs to see the nurse or use the lavatory should report to the staff member in charge of his/her class.  Any students sent to the nurse should be accompanied by another student or staff member.

    • If a Fire Drill is activated during outside recess, students should form lines as if they were preparing to re-enter the building.  If there is an evacuation drill or containment drill, school staff will blow their whistles and wave the yellow flag.  All students should line up by class on the turn around area.



    • Students may only use footballs that were approved by the office. Footballs will be provided by the school.  Football is to be played only on the field.  No tackling is allowed.

    • No remote control cars, walkie-talkies, iPods, mp3 players, electronic games or other electronic devices are allowed.       Students do not have a place to secure these items.  Lockers are not provided.  Students should not bring these items to school. 

    • Indoor Recess :Students stay in the classroom.  Students may play board games, color, socialize, read or do other activities permitted by the teacher/aide.

    • Students should not go past the goals on the soccer field or near fencing by the railroad tracks.

    • Proper use of equipment is expected at all times.

    • Students must wear sneakers or sturdy shoes when using the equipment.  As per the dress code, flip flops and loose fitting sandals are not allowed.


    Discipline: Students who engage in harassment or physical force may be given an in-school suspension or an out of school suspension based on the severity of their actions.  The Principal will enforce the rules outlined in the Code of Conduct especially in the areas of harassment or physical force.

    It is our belief that students can learn from poor behavior and choices.  We aim to teach students proper strategies in regards to student conflicts.  Students are taught conflict resolution strategies in the classroom and at recess. 

    If a student has engaged in inappropriate behaviors, he/she may have to report to the Principal.  The student will be asked to write a detailed accounting of the incident prior to meeting with the Principal.  Discipline will be communicated to the parent and the student in a timely manner.  The Principal will meet with the student to find out his/her accounting of the story and notify the parents of the full report.  If a student exhibits behaviors that continue, a Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP) may be implemented.