• Welcome Welcome

    I am looking forward to an exciting school year with your children.
    I am beginning my twenty ninth year of teaching in Long Hill Township. 

    I have been at Millington School for nine years, prior to that I taught Kindergarten and first grade special education at Gillette School. 
    This year I will be teaching fourth and fifth Math as well as fifth grade OCR Language Arts .
    I encourage you to contact me by email if you have any
    psharp(@)longhill.org               phone: ext 2013
    Students will typically have homework each night except Friday.  They will record their assignments in their agendas each day. We will have a spelling test every Friday.  
    No homework over the weekend!
    Spelling Homework:
    Monday: write spelling words two times each
    Tuesday: ABC order
    Wednesday: spelling sentences
    Thursday: study for test
    Tests and quizzes:
    All tests and quizzes should be signed and returned the next day.