• 4-L Class Information
     SS Regions Unit:
    North East State and Capitals Practice Quizzes
    South East States and Capitals Practice Quizzes 
    Midwestern States and Capitals Quizzes
    "Anything will come to he or she who reads"- Lucy Calkins, TCRWP
    Statistics show that students need to read 1-1.5 hours A DAY to maintain grade level reading- Lucy Calkins, TCRWP 
    back to school
    "Education is everything.  The peach was once a bitter almond; cauliflower is nothing but a cabbage with a college education."
    -Mark Twain
    Important Dates:
    - 6/12 Math Placement Test
    - 6/13 Parent Visit (Current Event News Real) (am)
    - 6/13 Picnic (pm) 
    - 6/14 Spelling Bee
    - 6/16 Science Test Chapter 10: Lessons 3 and 4 ONLY
    - 6/16 Homework Island Closes
    - 6/19 Gym Funday with Mr. Lisbona
    - 6/19 Risk and Homework Island Celebration 
    How to Level a Book at Home:
    Go to scholastic.com
    Select bookwizard from the choices on the left hand side
    Click Guided Reading (A-Z) above the search bar
    Then type in the title OR author of the book you would like to level
    The guided reading level will be right below the title and age group, written in grey, on the right/ center of the box
    IF there is no level available (this happens with newer books especially, then look at the age group suggested) 
    Helpful Apps for Google Chrome:
    Announcify: Will read any text on the screen outloud so that the kids can do a guided read along.  Great to use with current events for difficult words.
     Ginger: corrects grammar as typed, works like a small dictionary off to the side of the webpage.
    Rewordify: Takes dense, hard to read/ understand material and alters the level to appropriate for 4th grade.  Copy and paste the text, and convert (free).  Level settings are found under settings at the top right of the screen.  Great for current events! 
       Contact Information: Email: gluciano@longhill.org