• Allergy Alert

    There are nut allergies in 4-L, and in all the other 4th grade homerooms.  This means that we all need to be extra careful when we bring in food.  Please read all labels and ingredients for food brought in for parties, birthdays, picnics, and other class activities, and be sure to include the ingredients/ food labels for any food brought in for the class as an additional safety precaution.


    Products to Avoid:

    ·         Dunkin Donuts

    ·         ALL m&m’s

    ·         Boxed cupcakes with no nut free facility label

    ·         Boxed cookies with no nut free facility label

    ·         Mixed bag candy

    ·         Anything with nutella


    If your child has a food allergy, please send in a box of an edible food they enjoy as a backup for parties.  I will keep it in my teacher’s closet.