


     "You can find magic wherever you look
                    Sit back and relax, all you need is a book."
                                                                                                                          -Dr. Seuss
    Mrs. Minerva

    Reading Specialist


    Brief Bio: I have been teaching in Long Hill Township for 22 years. I started at Gillette School as a first grade teacher and taught there for 10 years. After having my children, I decided to go part-time and took the Basic Skills position at Millington School teaching in grades 2- 5.  I previously taught 2nd grade for two years and third grade for two years. I am excited to embark on my new journey as a Reading Specialist this year!

    Educational Background:  I attended Boston College and received my undergraduate degree with a double major in Early Childhood Education and Human Development. I went on to receive my Masters degree as a Reading Specialist at Kean University.

    To Reach Me: You can email me at dminerva"(@)" longhill.org or call me at (908) 647-2312 ext.    I check my messages frequently and will get back to you as soon as I possibly can.

    Expectations:I expect each student to come to school prepared, well rested, and ready to face each day with a smile!! I hope to create a motivating and engaging learning environment for all of the students in which they can grow and succeed.

    Goals: My goal is to help your child acquire the necessary skills to become a fluent and enthusiastic reader. I will support, supplement, and extend classroom teaching to meet the needs of my students. Most importantly, I will work collaboratively with the classroom teachers to implement a quality reading program that allows all students to reach their fullest academic potential.
