Brief Bio: This is my eleventh year as a special education teacher at Millington School. I hold certifications in elementary and special education. I am also a certified child sleep consultant. I am very excited to be teaching the 2-5 WISE class for my eighth year. We will be focusing on basic literacy and math skills, enrichment in science and social studies, as well as appropriate social language and skills. Each student in our class will be taught based on their own personal and individual needs. I look forward to another fantastic year!
To Reach Me: e-mail clattoz (@) voicemail (908)-647-2312 x2015
Expectations: Students will typically have math and spelling/reading homework each night. Spelling tests will be given on Fridays. There will be no homework assignments over the weekend other than ongoing projects. All tests and quizzes should be signed and returned by the next school day.
Please review this website for daily homework and test/quiz dates.
Students in the same grade may be assigned different homework. I cannot post individualized assignments on this website. Please always double check your child's assignment pad.
Our classroom could always use the following donations and are very much appreciated!:
~hand sanatizer
~Lysol wipes
~baby wipes
~plastic cups
~plastic spoons & forks
~sandwich bags
~liquid hand soap
Thank you!
Mrs. Lattoz