Danielle DeVivo, LSW
District Social Worker
I am a New Jersey State Licensed Social Worker (LSW), and have previous experience in both a traditional school social work role, as well as serving on district child study teams. I have additionally worked in both public schools and private, alternative education settings. My work includes providing case management to assist both educators and parents to ultimately support students receiving Special Education and Related Services, implemented through an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Besides case management support services, I additionally complete Social Assessments as part of the comprehensive Child Study Team evaluation process. A Social Assessment consists of a parent interview in which pertinent student information is gathered and documented in order to provide the Child Study Team with birth, medical, and developmental information, school/academic history, and the social-emotional development of a student.
I additionally provide counseling services through small group and individual settings, working with students to address social-emotional needs, teach social skills, and provide conflict-resolution and management of emotional awareness and regulation. I am committed to providing the utmost support and care, in order to provide students with the skills, knowledge, and capabilities to reach their potential both academically and social-emotionally.
Phone: 908-647-1202 ext. 2231
Long Hill Township Office of Special Services
91 Northfield Road, Millington, NJ 07946
Helpful Resources:
Perform Care: New Jersey Children's Behavioral System of Care
(Includes Mobile Crisis Response)
Caring Partners of Morris & Sussex
Family Support Organization
Connects callers to various human services
NJ Helps
Information about services and programs available to children and families
2NDFLOOR: Youth Helpline of New Jersey
Call or text 888-222-2228
Parent/Student support at "Understood"
National Center for Learning Disabilities