Hello! My name is Mr. Tony Rideout and I have been a Music Teacher with the Long Hill Township Schools since 2006. I have a degree in Music Education from West Chester University of Pennsylvania. I am currently in the Master of Arts in Music Education program at Montclair State University. I am a member of the National Association for Music Education and the New Jersey Music Educators Association. I am also an active consultant for marching bands, winter color guards, and drum and bugle corps across the country.


    The main goal of the Millington School Music Program is for all students have a positive experience while exploring, and learning the fundamentals of music (beat, pitch, rhythm, dynamics, tempo, form, and tone color.) The students will do this through chanting, singing, playing classroom instruments, dancing, and performing various styles of music.



    There are five expectations in the Music Room:


    Make choices that help you and others learn.

    Use instruments and classroom materials with care.

    Speak, sing, and play instruments when it is your turn.

    Immediately follow all directions.

    Consider others and be kind.





    If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, the preferred way to contact me is via email at

    trideout --@-- longhill.org.








    Vocal Concert Dates and Times:


    Veterans Day Program:


    Wednesday, November 9, 2016

    9:30 AM – Veterans from the community are invited to attend


    The Millington School “Tiger” Chorus

    Winter Concert:


    Tuesday, January 10, 2017

    Make Up Date: Tuesday, January 17, 2017


    9:30 AM School Assembly and 7:00 PM Evening Performance


    Chorus members should wear their regular school clothes for the School Assembly Performance at 9:30 AM.


    For the evening performance, chorus members are asked to wear BLACK BOTTOMS and WHITE TOPS.


    Chorus members should report the LIBRARY at 6:40 PM, so we can prepare for our show that will promptly start at 7:00 PM.


    The Millington School “Tiger” Chorus

    Spring Concert:


    Tuesday, May 16, 2017


    9:30 AM School Assembly and 7:00 PM Evening Performance


    Chorus members should wear their regular school clothes for the School Assembly Performance at 9:30 AM.


    For the evening performance, chorus members are asked to wear BLACK BOTTOMS and WHITE TOPS.


    Chorus members should report the LIBRARY at 6:40 PM, so we can prepare for our show that will promptly start at 7:00 PM.






    Millington School Music Course of Study:




    The students will:

    • Read, notate, and perform music containing half notes, quarter notes, eighth notes, and quarter rests.

    • Be introduced to equal and unequal rhythmic patterns.

    • Be introduced to music in triple meter.

    • Read, notate, and perform music containing the pitches Do, Re, Mi, So, and La.

    • Identify non pitched percussion instrument families.

    • Study the composer, Ludwig Van Beethoven and his Ninth Symphony.

    • Perform in Millington School’s Veterans Day Program in November.

    • Have an opportunity to join the Millington School Tiger Chorus (which rehearses once a week during recess) and perform in concerts in January and May.





      The students will:

    • Read, notate, and perform music containing half notes, quarter notes, eighth notes, sixteenth notes, and quarter rests.

    • Read, notate, and perform music containing the pitches Do, Re, Mi, So, La, and High Do.

    • Identify musical phrases.

    • Complete a unit on playing the Recorder.

    • Study the composer, George Bizet and his opera, Carmen.

    • Perform in Millington School’s Veterans Day Program in November.

    • Have an opportunity to join the Millington School Tiger Chorus (which rehearses once a week during recess) and perform in concerts in January and May.






      The students will:

    • Read, notate, and perform music containing whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, eighth notes, sixteenth notes (in various groupings,) whole rests, half rests, and quarter rests.

    • Perform music with equal and unequal rhythmic patterns.

    • Be introduced to syncopated rhythmic patterns.

    • Read, notate, and perform music containing the Major Scale and the pitches Low So, and Low La.

    • Identify musical phrases.

    • Continue to perform music of varied styles on the Recorder.

    • Complete a unit on Famous Musicians from New Jersey.

    • Complete a unit on the Instrument Families of the Orchestra.

    • Study the composer, George Frederic Handel and his “Hallelujah Chorus”.

    • Perform in Millington School’s Veterans Day Program in November.

    • Have an opportunity to join the Millington School Tiger Chorus (which rehearses once a week during recess) and perform in concerts in January and May.






      The students will:

    • Perform music that reviews all rhythmic patterns previously taught including syncopated rhythms.

    • Perform music that reviews the Major Scale.

    • Continue to perform music of varied styles on the Recorder.

    • Complete a unit of World Music.

    • Complete a unit on the instruments in a Rock and Roll band.

    • Complete a group research project on a famous composer.

    • Study the orchestral work, The Planets by Gustav Holst.

    • Perform traditional Colonial dances and songs.

    • Perform in Millington School’s Veterans Day Program in November.

    • Have an opportunity to join the Millington School Tiger Chorus (which rehearses once a week during recess) and perform in concerts in January and May.

    • Have an opportunity to join the Millington School Cadet Band and take instrumental music lessons during the school day and perform in concerts in December and June.