Mrs. Jocelyn Merritt, Ed.M. - District School Psychologist
    I have been employed as the School Psychologist for the Long Hill Township School District since 2008.  I earned my Bachelor's of Science degree in Psychology from Northeastern University in Boston, MA.  I later went on to obtain my School Psychologist, Master's of Education Degree from Teachers College at Columbia University in New York, NY.

    As part of the Child Study Team, my role is to administer standardized measures to assess a student's overall intellectual, social, emotional, and behavioral functioning. In addition, I conduct Individual Education Plan (IEP) meetings and collaborate with the Child Study Team members, teachers, related service providers, and parents to develop appropriate educational plans for students in need of special education services. I also provide Individual Counseling services to students who may be in need of social and emotional support. I coordinate with CST members, teachers, related service providers, and parents to create positive behavior support plans for individual students or for entire classrooms.

    I truly take pride in assisting student's who may be in need of special educational support and find great fulfillment in helping those students find success and confidence.


    My office is located in the Special Services Department at Millington Elementary School.


    Phone: (908) 647-1202 x2230

    Email: jmerritt(@)longhill.org

    Please click below to see associated letter.




    Helpful Resources

    The "Kids Guide:" New Jersey's Guide to Places and Events for Children, Teens, and Families

    Available in your local supermarket or online http://www.kidsguide.com/

    A helpful website to visit is www.psychologytoday.com Click on the "Find the Therapist" tab and a list of therapists in your area will be generated with detailed descriptions of themselves and their specializations.

    Visiting your public library and becoming involved in the various programs offered
    can be a valuable experience for your child.

    Emergency Care Service and Supports:

    To access services call: 1-877- 652-7624

    Perform Care Services is a 24 hour Mobile Response and Stabilization Service. Services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to help children and youth who are experiencing emotional or behavioral crises. The services are designed to defuse an immediate crisis, keep children and their families safe, and maintain the children in their own homes or current living situation. A clinician comes to the home to evaluate child’s needs. If family has Medicaid it is covered by the state. The parent will have to call the Mobile Response unit of Perform Care to request the unit come to the home.
    The unit is typically dispatched within the hour.

    Click on the link below to access suggested community based mental health resources.