

  • Friday 5/26/2017


    5th Grade: spelling sign test

    4th Grade: spelling sign test

    3rd Grade: spelling sign test

    2nd Grade: spelling sign test


    Thursday 5/25/2017


    5th Grade: spelling abc order, math worksheet

    4th Grade: spelling abc order, math worksheet

    3rd Grade: spelling abc order, math worksheet

    2nd Grade: spelling abc order, math worksheet


    Wednesday 5/24/2017    


    5th Grade: spelling sentences #5-8, math worksheet

    4th Grade: spelling sentences #4-6, math worksheet

    3rd Grade: spelling second half of sentences, math worksheet

    2nd Grade: spelling second half of sentences, math worksheet


    Tuesday 5/23/2017 


    5th Grade: spelling sentences #1-4, math worksheet

    4th Grade: spelling sentences #1-3, math worksheet

    3rd Grade: spelling first half of sentences, math worksheet

    2nd Grade: spelling first half of sentences, math worksheet


    Monday 5/22/17 


    5th Grade: spelling 3 x's each, math worksheet

    4th Grade: spelling 3 x's each, math worksheet

    3rd Grade: spelling 3 x's each, math worksheet

    2nd Grade: spelling 3 x's each, math worksheet