• Summer Homework :)


    have fun, go outdoors, and read!


    CLICK HERE for spelling lists week 1-16


    CLICK HERE for the list of spelling homework activities


    On Monday-Thursday, the following homework will be assigned:

    -Math- this will be found in your child's Home/School folder on the "return to school" side. It will usually consist of a Reteach and Practice workbook page (front and back).

    -Spelling- (Superkids runs on a 5 day schedule, so a spelling test may not always fall on a Friday as we would hope. Some weeks it may be on a Monday.)- Students will choose 1 activity to do with that week's spelling words, using the link from above. The list specifies how many words need to be used for each activity (all memory words and a certain number of pattern words, depending on the chosen activity). Spelling homework can be done on any paper, but if a student does not have access to paper outside of school, they may always take a piece from the classroom.

    -D.I.R.T.(Daily Independent Reading Time) - This is a program to encourage independent reading at home, whether it is silently or aloud to a family member. Students must read for at least 50 minutes each week. This can be broken up into 10 minutes of reading a night, 5 nights a week. If a student wishes to read for a longer period of time for less days of the week, this is acceptable as well. This reading can be done on any nights of the 7 day week. Each student will receive a D.I.R.T. folder with the reading log in it. Students must record what they read, the date, and how long they have read for. Parents will sign off on the reading, and the folder will be returned every Tuesday for Ms. Liebler to see. If a student wishes to read more than the 50 minutes, that is highly encouraged!

    -Language Arts-Depending on the skills we have learned that day, there MAY be a language arts assignment which can be found in your child's Home/School folder on the "return to school" side