Welcome to Mrs. Milito's Homepage
To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe.
-Anatole FranceTo reach me:You may email me at nmilito"@"longhill.org or call me at (908)647-2312 (ext. 2233). I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible.***Please remember that this website is not to be viewed as a replacement of the student’s homework assignment book. The students still must take responsibility for writing down the daily assignments in their assignment books. Please ask to view your child's assignment pad each night!Expectations:
Students will be expected to complete homework each night. Homework is due the next day in class. In order to help the students get their homework assignments completed, students will be given a Student Agenda. They will write their assignments in their agenda and it will travel with them on a daily basis. Also, students will bring in a Homework Folder and place any important papers in their folders including daily homework that should be turned in the following day.
Students will complete written homework neatly and place it back into their Homework Folder and this will also travel with the student to and from school. If your child does not complete work in class, leaves early, or comes in late, he or she will be responsible for completing this work at home and returning it the next day. Please encourage your child to review the contents of their Homework Folder and agenda each night.
Class Mission:My mission for this class is to teach the students to reach their fullest potential while making connections and experience learning. I will create a positive safe learning environment where the students will flourish not only academically but socially as well. Students will learn to work in cooperative groups in order to foster teamwork. Higher order thinking skills will be incorporated in all subjects, concepts, and skills taught.
It is extremely important to have open lines of communication with parents so that we can work together as a team in the intellectual growth and development of your children. In addition, it is important to model and promote responsibility and accountability so all students can succeed and excel.