•  Star Students



    Have Good Character! 

    Congratulations to all students who have shown good character this school year!  Thank you for being a positive role model and helping to keep our schools a safe and happy environment! 
     The Importance of Character Education



    "The standards of character education are an essential component of the Long Hill Township School District’s Code of Conduct. The board believes that with the appropriate infusion of character education into the school curriculum, modeling of appropriate behavior by adults; support and assistance of students in school, the community and home; our students will achieve the above standards of character education".

    -From Long Hill Township School District's Policy 5131: HIB & Threatening Behavior  
    How the Character Education program is carried out: 

    Classroom Lessons: The School Counselor conducts Character Education lessons in each classroom once per month in Gillette and Millington Schools.  The lessons are based on the 6 Character Ed Pillars: Caring, Citizenship, Fairness, Respect, Responsibility & Trustworthiness. 

    Star Student Program: At the end of every month, Gillette & Millington students who have demonstrated the character education pillar will be recommended by staff members to receive the School Counselor's Star Student award. The students will receive a certificate and their name will be placed on the Star Student bulletin board in the front of the school. Each student's name is also read over the loudspeaker during morning announcements. 

     Modeled Behavior: Staff model respectful, caring and trusting behavior toward one another and toward students.  This modeling reinforces the monthly lessons on a daily basis.